Nimbus: a collection of libraries you will love
Nimbus is a free and open-source library collection that provides ready-to-use Vue.js components and other usable items that you can easily combine to build robust applications.
- v2.0.2 version
- 100% Brazilian and Open Source
- Several published Vue.js 3 components and othes items
- Easy collaboration
- Easy and detailed documentation
- Very easy to use

What's included
Vue.js 3 Components
A collection of interactive and reusable components built on Vue.js 3 to speed up the development of modern user interfaces.
Web Components
A collection of customizable and encapsulated Web Components, enabling the creation of standalone and reusable web elements.
JS Libraries
A set of JavaScript libraries that provide effective solutions to some development challenges.
CSS Library
Includes reset's and a responsive grid template system to facilitate consistent and adaptive design.
Helper's/Util's JS
A library of JavaScript utilities that provide helper functions for common programming tasks, optimizing developer productivity.
Nimbus reached more than 13 thousand downloads on NPM with the sum of the libs separated and later moved to the project and the new libs that are being added. Join the Nimbus community and experience the difference for yourself.
The components and libs that were developed separately from this project, which are:
All of them have been migrated into Nimbus, with the exception of the vg-delete-button component (deprecated for now), stay tuned on TonhaoSantos' Linkedin and Twitter/X for the vg-delete-button status.
JetBrains are providing "All Products Pack" licenses free of charge for Nimbus developers as part of their support of OSS.
Special thanks to JetBrains for supporting open source projects.